Tuesday, December 2, 2008

// Agent Orange #2 //

Day Two.

6 am
I did not sleep last night. At first it seemed I was kept awake by hideous hunger pains but on latter examination I have come to the following conclusion. My new carrotic obsession had left me peering into the darkness all night, testing my new carrot charged night-vision. I couldn't see shit all. This shmarrot thing is boring.

Monday, December 1, 2008

// Agent Orange #1 //

4.16 pm

I have eaten three medium sized carrots. Admittedly I dipped the little orangey fingers into mustard. Illegal move. So far skin appears normal. Looking forward to more intense results. Hopefully the ideal Nicky Watson Skin colour will be achieved in no time.

// Tasty Delicious Carrots Be Mine //

No Not Knows that they are slack at regular blog prose. In an unprecedented effort to have something riveting/half decent to write every day, I plan to eat nothing but carrots for the next seven days in the hope of turning orange. I'll let you know how it goes.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Public Service Announcement

In association with this picture, NNN would like to discourage the smoking of powders with un-homed female peoples. There is a high chance you will end up emptying the classic whopper contents of your stomach onto your local street bench. We will know you are fucked as. Heaps fucked. The next time you open your eyes you will no longer recognise colours. Everyone/thing/things will be a pretty shade of grey. Your hair will look like you used a bad shampoo to conditioner ratio. You grot.

Friday, November 7, 2008

we provide the bang

best of luck to all my friends graduating from architecture, its been a hell of a time

Saturday, November 1, 2008


No Not Now loves Nebula

Sunday, October 19, 2008

// It's the New Era //

This is disgustingly cool. Effing gagging to see more. In appreciation No Not Now is temporarily changing it's name to No Not Smoothkillaz. In effect as of about nowz until the singkle comes out in NZ and we can say... "Probably already heard of them, baaaah."